What is Assistive Technology & its Top 10 Examples? [2023]

Assistive technology used by deaf old man


Unlock the power of possibility with assistive technology. From wheelchairs to communication aids, discover the innovative tools that are transforming the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Join us on a journey of exploration as we delve into the world of assistive technology and the endless possibilities it holds. 

Assistive technologies (AT) are tools and devices that are specifically designed to help individuals with disabilities to overcome their physical, cognitive, and sensory limitations.

These technologies have revolutionized the way people with disabilities live, work, and communicate.

From simple tools like magnifying glasses to more complex systems like speech-generating devices, AT has come a long way in recent years. Let’s know more in detail.

What is Assistive Technology?

Let us discuss it in simple terminology. Normally, assistive technology, also known as AT can be anything like a software program, any application, or even a piece of equipment that is helpful for people with disabilities. 

It helps in increasing and maintaining a disabled person’s capabilities. It can be anything from a communication board made with a little use of technology to a software program made with high use of technology.

Assistive technology is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Assistive technology can be low-tech, such as a simple magnifying glass, or high-tech, such as a computer with specialized software. Assistive technology can be used in the home, school, workplace, or in any other environment.

The Benefit of Assistive Technology

It is incredibly beneficial. It is a blessing for those who want to pursue education but are disabled, for those who have big dreams and want to make them true but are disabled, and for those who want to communicate but are disabled. 

Just imagine, how beautiful this world would be when everyone will be successful regardless of their disabilities. 

I think you got the benefits of assistive technology. AT lets disabled children feel normal and confident in their life. It has made up the life of too many people. Is not it amazing?

Top 10 Examples of Assistive Technology

There are countless examples of assistive technology that can help individuals with disabilities to overcome their limitations.Here are the most common ones…

  1. Mobility Aids: Mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, and canes can help individuals with mobility impairments to move around more easily and independently. Wheelchairs come in a variety of designs, including manual and electric, and can be customized to meet the individual’s needs. Walkers and canes can provide additional support and stability, helping to prevent falls.
  2. Communication Aids: Communication aids such as speech-generating assistive devices, text-to-speech software, and communication boards can help individuals with communication impairments to express themselves more effectively. Speech-generating devices can help individuals who are unable to speak to communicate through a computer-generated voice. Text-to-speech software can help individuals with reading difficulties to read text on a computer screen. Communication boards can help individuals who are unable to speak to communicate through pictures or symbols.
  3. Vision Aids: Vision aids such as magnifiers, closed-circuit televisions, and screen readers can help individuals with visual impairments to see more clearly. Magnifiers can help individuals with low vision to read small text or see objects more clearly. Closed-circuit televisions can help individuals with low vision to see television programs or videos more clearly. Screen readers can help people with visual impairments to access the internet and other computer applications by reading the text on the screen aloud.
  4. Hearing Aids: Hearing aids, cochlear implants, and captioning systems can help individuals with hearing impairments to hear more clearly. Hearing aids can amplify sound, making it easier for individuals with hearing impairments to hear speech and other sounds. Cochlear implants are electronic devices that can be surgically implanted to help anyone with severe hearing impairments to hear. Captioning systems can provide written captions for television programs and videos, making it easier for individuals with hearing impairments to understand what is being said.
  5. Cognitive Aids: Cognitive aids such as memory aids, cognitive prosthetics, and brain-computer interfaces can help individuals with cognitive impairments to think more clearly. Memory aids can help individuals with memory impairments to remember important information, such as appointments or names. Cognitive prosthetics can help individuals with cognitive impairments to process information more effectively. Brain-computer interfaces can help individuals with cognitive impairments to communicate or control devices using their brain activity..
  6. Environmental Control Units: Environmental control units such as remote controls can allow individuals with mobility impairments to control various aspects of their environment, such as the lights, television, and thermostat. These devices can be controlled through voice commands, switches, or other methods.
  7. Computer Access Aids: Computer access aids such as keyboard and mouse alternatives can allow individuals with mobility impairments to access computers more easily. These devices can include alternative input methods, such as speech recognition or eye-tracking, which can make it easier for individuals with mobility impairments to use computers.
  8. Adaptive Clothing and Accessories: These items are specifically designed for individuals with mobility impairments to make dressing themselves easier. Velcro closures, adaptive zippers and snaps, and specialized shoes with extra support and easy-to-use fastenings are just a few examples. These small adaptations can make a big difference in independence and self-care for those with physical limitations.
  9. Daily Living Aids: These devices are designed to assist individuals with mobility impairments to perform daily tasks more easily. Reachers, page turners, and adapted utensils with enlarged or adapted handles are some of the examples that can help with tasks such as reaching for objects, turning pages in a book, or eating independently.
  10. Prosthetics and Orthotics: These devices are designed to help individuals with amputations or other physical impairments to move more easily. Artificial limbs, braces, and splints are some of the examples of prosthetics and orthotics that can help individuals with amputations or other physical impairments to move more easily. These devices can help to restore function and improve mobility, as well as provide psychological benefits by increasing self-esteem and confidence.


Assistive technology is a powerful tool that can help individuals with disabilities to overcome their limitations and live more fulfilling lives.

From mobility aids that help with physical mobility, to communication aids that allow for better expression, to vision and hearing aids that improve sensory perception, the possibilities are endless.

These examples of assistive technology are just the tip of the iceberg as new and innovative solutions are constantly being developed.

It’s important to remember that assistive technology is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and individuals with disabilities should work with professionals to find the specific devices that will work best for them.

Read More: An Amazing Use of Assistive Technology in the Classroom! [2023]

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